Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Keynote Update 1-8-07

Bands in Rehearsal for 2007 Tours

Happy New Year everyone! The rehearsal rooms are full of activity (the bands are still at the old location until this summer) as our three big groups are rehearsing full time in order to be ready for tours beginning the end of this month. Please pray for strategic concert dates!

Here is a message we just received from a Campus Crusade student who hosted a Keynote band on his campus to reach students for Christ last fall in St. Louis, MO:

    "When you look at what you all did. It's quite amazing.... You guys have such guts and such great hearts.... You all are stewards of your craft and while it's sad you are gone. You live on. I still remember Maryville University, Missouri. I haven't felt God like that since. And I just want to thank you for what you did that day.... You started off this semester with a bang. And we were able to harness that for the rest of the semester. I love you guys. God's smiling upon you guys. You did Him proud. Thank you. bradley "

Home Front

On the home front we are all a-buzz with nutrition and ingredient labels. Tom is on a really restricted diet (no dairy, chocolate, eggs, seafood, molasses, soy, iodized salt, and several others I can't remember right now) in order to prepare his body for the radioactive iodine treatment for his Thyroid cancer on Jan 18-19. I went on-line and found a cookbook for this diet--

Good thing, because I have to make everything from scratch, and my culinary ability with so many no-no's isn't very creative after working all day. Please pray for him as he also has to be off his thyroid medication until the treatment. He's been off the meds since Thursday and is already very run-down, lethargic and sleepy. Also praise God that this treatment/diet is all that's necessary to completely get rid of the cancer!! God is so gracious... we could be talking about chemo and radiation if the cancer had been worse!!

Serving with you--

Cathy and Tom


Our mission statement

"Partnering with strategic ministries to communicate God’s love through music and the performing arts"
  • Authentic
  • Dynamic
  • Catalytic
  • Worldwide
  • Life Change

Everything we do, from organizing equipment to processing finances, to performing and sharing the Gospel on stage is put through the filter of our mission statement and values.

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