October, 2008
Communicating God’s love through music and the performing arts.Changing the world...
...from our desks...
A brand new Christian in Argentina wanted to use her musical talents for her newfound Savior. Typing “music & missions” into an Internet search engine, Andrea clicked on the top hit— Keynote’s website. That’s how she came to be in our Hispanic band this summer. She’s back in Argentina now, and applying to be on staff with Campus Crusade. The country’s national director is hoping she will begin the music ministry there which has the potential to reach thousands of students with God’s love.
Tom is building the new website. Keynote.org will be up and running Nov. 1st. Who knows how many “Andreas” there are in places near and far who, with one click of a mouse, will get connected with Keynote and begin to change their world through this website??
Please pray for Tom as he searches for ways to make the technical stuff happen. Our most helpful consultant, by the way, is our son Chris— who is also changing the world from his desk!
“Tonight, 30 or 40 students roll through the little café where I’m singing, and I do my best to tell them that there is more to knowing Jesus than just a feeling and a guarantee. One guy, sitting to my right, stares at me as I talk. His face says, ‘I hear you, I'm thinking about it, but I'm not sure.’"
Jimmy sent Cathy this email because she is his new booking agent. She did the ground work to get him the coffeehouse gig at Daniel Webster College in NH. Let’s let him continue the story….
“After I'm done, I sit down with a Red Bull and talk with some of the students. A couple of them have been in a production of Les Misérables, and we start talking about how the Bishop redeems Jean Valjean's life, just like Jesus does for us, but that it is all too easy for us to believe the lies we've been told about ourselves. In the play, Jean has a meal and sleeps at the Bishop's home, but wakes to a nightmare about his imprisonment. The nightmare convinces him again that he is nothing but a worthless convict. He knocks the Bishop out, takes his silverware and runs. He is caught and returned to the Bishop's home, where the Bishop pretends he gave Jean the silverware, and even gives him more. The police release him.”
“’Jean Valjean, my brother,’ says the Bishop, ‘With this silver I bought your soul back. You promised me that today you would be a new man.’”
“I love that. It always makes me cry. I realize there is no one, Christian or not, no convict, no college student, no old geezer like me, that cannot become a new man. Jesus is everything.”
From Cathy: “Working with Jimmy has been great. He has the same vision for his songs as I do for mine. Check out his website littlelordmusic.com. Give the site a little time to load. You’ll find Jimmy’s blogs, his music, photos, and lots of other stuff.”
…and with our music
Composer Jon at his composing station, working on “This Year.”
“THIS YEAR” — A Christmas Musical by Darrin Gowan, Cathy Howie, and arranged by Jon Howie. Rehearsals begin next week and the entire church is really excited!! The story takes place in a diner on Christmas Eve until Christmas morning, since everyone is stranded due to a flash flood. (More realistic than snowed in from a blizzard in central Indiana!) It’s a story of hope in the midst of pain as several of the characters struggle to make sense of their situations. Three of the four songs are written, and much of the arranging still needs to be done. Please pray for Jon and Cathy!
Chronicle — A local band playing original music in search of a drummer. Enter Tomas Howie! This is another opportunity God has given Tom to play in a local band with musicians who probably are not believers. Please pray for Tom as he spends time with the band and shows them Christ’s love in rehearsal, helping with graphics, and hanging out with them.
PLS + mPS + CICSA + SitR — Alphabet soup representing local performance opportunities for Tom and Cathy. The audiences are important to us, of course, but so are the other performers, producers, and hosts as we use the talents and songs God has given to us to bring Him glory and encourage His people. Please pray for Verona, Jessi, Gary, Steve, Eddie, and others who have been at our concerts recently.
A Future Wedding
Chris and the love of his life, Deanne Denniston plan to be married June 6th, 2009.
This fall, Indiana, Crossroads of America, will also be the Crossroads of the World! Right here in Westfield, Keynote is hosting the Global Music and Arts Ministry Leaders Summit! Our 25 registered guests representing 12 countries (Mongolia, Brazil, Thailand, etc.) are gathering here from Oct 31st – Nov 5th to exchange ideas and learn from each other in order to be better equipped to lead their ministries and share God’s love around the globe. Cathy’s been working on the details for this historic and world-changing event for weeks. We’ll share more about this next month.
Please pray for:
- Us, that we will keep Jesus as our first love, even working at our desks.
- Progress in recording Cathy’s music.
- All aspects of the musical to reflect God’s glory and get done on schedule, and for the people who will come to see it.
- Jon as he arranges the music for the musical and searches for a new job.
- Chris and Deanne to grow in the Lord as they prepare for marriage (Deanne came home from Argentina in August.)
- Our 41 brothers in jail in a Muslim country because of their faith.
Our mission statement
"Partnering with strategic ministries to communicate God’s love through music and the performing arts"
- Authentic
- Dynamic
- Catalytic
- Worldwide
- Life Change
Everything we do, from organizing equipment to processing finances, to performing and sharing the Gospel on stage is put through the filter of our mission statement and values.
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