Wednesday, February 15, 2006

February, 2006

X-nelo’s Impact on One Student’s Life

We just received this email from a former student leader of a Campus Crusade movement that we partnered with to reach his campus with the Gospel—

“In August 2002 X-nelo [Tom was the drummer then] played at Winthrop University, SC. The turnout was a bit under-whelming, but life-changing for a girl named Allison. She left her dorm room to take a letter to the post office, heard you guys playing, and thought, "Somebody's radio is really loud!" (You were playing outside in an amphitheater on campus). On the way to the post office she passed you playing, and stopped to listen. She met several of the student leaders that night, and was really excited about getting involved with us. She was already a Christian, but was very young in her faith; she didn't come to Winthrop looking to grow or get involved in church. She got involved in Rene’s Bible study, however, and began growing in her faith.”

“The next year Allison transferred to Northern Colorado. She got involved with Campus Crusade there and became a student leader, went on a summer missions project in San Antonio, and got a heart for Hispanic ministry. (She is Hispanic.) Last summer she went to East Asia on a summer missions trip, which she loved as well. She'll be graduating this year and continues to have a heart for Hispanics and now wants to reach out to them with the Gospel.”

“I know you don't get to see a lot of results from most of your shows, but you definitely do make a difference! Especially in Allison’s life!”

    --Nathan and Rene F.

We are moving!!

God provides NEW BUILDING for Keynote – Abundantly, beyond what we could ask or think.... The businessman who provides us with our current buildings just purchased a really new one for us. The current buildings have been great , but we are growing out of them with all the new staff members that have joined Keynote over the last couple of years.
The new building is six miles from where we work now, is bigger and lower maintenance. So we can continue to grow AND work more efficiently in our mission to build the Kingdom!

Dear, precious partners in Christ—

As I (Cathy) sit here typing, I’m having trouble reading the type on the screen through teary eyes after reading email from Keynote performers. The tears are partly joy—mixed with some heaviness of heart. Joy for new lives in Christ!! And heaviness, because we hear DAI LY of how much we are needed at Keynote. Because of our low support situation (about 71%), we have been assigned to raising support fulltime. That means we cannot do our jobs at Keynote until we reach 100%. PLEASE PRAY that our support would come in quickly... that we can find new monthly partners... in order to get back to the work God has called us to at Keynote!

From our director, Andy Kellogg:

    “Tom and Cathy are a vital part of the Operations Team at Keynote! I long for the day that God brings in their support so that they can return to “active duty” in our office. Especially in light of Keynote moving to a new facility, the need for their return is, even more crucial as our department will be responsible for handling the myriad of details before, during, and after the move.”

We are fasting during lunch on Tuesdays, asking God for a major break-through in this area. We will be skipping lunch, using the time that would normally be spent in preparing and eating, in prayer. And the hunger pangs that remind us we didn’t eat will also be a reminder to seek God’s face throughout the afternoon. If you would like to join us in this, let us know (e-mail is an easy way for us to communicate, see bottom of the front page), and we’ll be in touch with specific prayer requests.

Over the next couple of weeks we will be trying to connect with all of you-- to see how you’re doing and ask about receiving this prayer letter via email. We appreciate all of you. Your prayers and giving make our ministry with Keynote happen!!

Our mission statement

"Partnering with strategic ministries to communicate God’s love through music and the performing arts"
  • Authentic
  • Dynamic
  • Catalytic
  • Worldwide
  • Life Change

Everything we do, from organizing equipment to processing finances, to performing and sharing the Gospel on stage is put through the filter of our mission statement and values. The story about X-nelo being the catalyst to draw Allison closer to God is a great practical demonstration of this. In many instances we will never know the results of our concerts, but we are very intentional in ministry, nonetheless. The particular concert that Allison saw had very low attendance, but Life Change happened for her!

Please pray for:
  • Allison (above story)
  • Garry (a partner with terminal cancer)
  • 84 new believers from a David Pendleton show (Keynote ventriloquist)
  • Jon and Chris (classes, relationships)
  • The Montanaros as they deal with the tragic accidental loss of their 20 year-old son Albert, Jr.
  • and new partners so we will be fully funded.

