Friday, January 30, 2009

January, 2009

Communicating God’s love through music and the performing arts.

Stories and Healing

Some people are able to fly above the hard circumstances of life with graceful agility that amazes me. Maybe because I have a deeper emotional well than they do, or maybe I just don’t get it yet, crises tend to plummet me into a sinkhole no matter how hard I try to fly. But I’m learning that the quicksand has a solid bottom and is shallow enough to keep my head above the surface.

Life is great right now, which makes it easy to look back on difficult times and see what God was showing me. One (of many!) things is that the “I” in Ps 16:8 is JESUS, not me! (See Acts 2:242-36) So instead of feeling worse about myself and my situation when life is hard because I DO feel shaken, I can collapse on Him, the unshakeable One.

On a sub-zero, snowy night two weeks ago, Tom and I played at a local church coffeehouse where I shared stories illustrating these thoughts and a song based on Psalm 16. The pastor sent us a message the next morning:

    “You and your husband continue to be a blessing. There was a woman in the audience who truly needed to hear the message you delivered. It may have been life-changing for her. She desperately needs to know that God is on her side; that she is not facing life alone in her trials.”

As do we all.

Praying for Healing
Many of you know Arthur Heaton, the son of Bill and Judy who lived in the Plattsburgh area several years ago. A couple of weeks ago Arthur was diagnosed with leukemia. Here is a part of Bill’s email:

    Pray for  a cure; leukemia is a cancer of the bone  marrow, so every bit of one's body is affected.  Pray for healing inside out.  I am marking a map of those praying for him, so that he may see this circle of love, an embrace by the Lord.

Please pray for Arthur, and email Bill so he can put you on Arthur’s prayer map

Bill closed his email with:

    Deep inside, this is a privilege to bear, a profound testimony is possible in the coming years.

An Older Woman

Cathy with Lauren, graphics intern, and Kristin, graphics staff— all wearing red :-)

There’s no more denying it. I am an older woman. A couple of months ago I saw a rack of reading glasses at Goodwill and bought a pair to see if they would make reading easier. They did— just another confirmation that I’m not 29 anymore.

Lately there have been several WAY more pleasant reminders that I’m… more mature. Younger women have been asking me to help them clarify what God is doing in their lives. I have also felt God leading me to speak into others’ lives when situations present themselves. And two young women have outright asked me to mentor them.

Not exactly sure how to do that, I bought a couple of books. Both of them use Titus 2:3-5 as kind of screening process for would-be mentors. This has been very humbling, especially since I feel that I still struggle. But I’m willing!

I LOVE spending time with these dear ones. By building into them, I’m encouraged and energized. So I guess I don’t mind being an older woman. There are just as many benefits (at least so far) as there are disadvantages.

Being a mentor has also increased my longing to have my own mentor.

An Older Man

“This is the year. In 2009 I am going to be intentional about playing drums with local bands, especially jazz.” Tom has been in various local bands since we came off the road, but feels God calling him to expand what he’s been doing for a couple of reasons.

During our time with Ritmo D this summer he noticed how much playing everyday improved his abilities. He wants that to continue; that means he needs to play more.

The bands that have been calling him are full of men and women who need to see Jesus lived out in their midst. Most of these folks are disenfranchised with Christianity, and the only way they will consider a relationship with Jesus is to be loved.

Pray for God’s love to flow through Tom into their lives.

Eternal Economics

Many of you have asked how we’re doing financially with the economy the way it is. The Lord has been very good. All of our bills are paid.

But to be honest, the budget is stretched extremely thin, and there will be some large bills coming due next month.

Would you consider investing in a “commodity” that always guarantees BIG returns and never loses value— God’s Kingdom!! Exponential growth happens! People who come to Christ through our concerts are discipled and become witnesses for Jesus!!

Would you please pray about Joining our financial partner team if you don’t already give monthly? And if you are a financial partner, would you pray about increasing your level of partnership?

And a huge THANK-YOU to those of you who are SO FAITHFUL!!!!


Here’s a practical way you can help a ministry partner… and us since income from sales on this site are given to missionaries.

Beautiful wood turnings, necklaces, cards, sculpture, crocheted afghans and beaded socks— all handmade by a Christian family (Cathy’s sister, Amy, is the mom.)


January is a busy time here! The bands are revising their programs, learning new music, recording demos, and rehearsing so they will “play skillfully” (Ps 33:3) when they begin touring in February-- for audiences full of people who are searching for real answers!

Please pray for:
  • Our hearts to always yearn to be closer to Jesus
  • God to heal Arthur Heaton
  • God to provide a job for Jon
  • Chris and Deanne as they prepare to be married
  • Chris and Deanne to grow in the Lord as they prepare for marriage
  • Our ministry partners (and us) who are struggling financially



Our mission statement

"Partnering with strategic ministries to communicate God’s love through music and the performing arts"
  • Authentic
  • Dynamic
  • Catalytic
  • Worldwide
  • Life Change

Everything we do, from organizing equipment to processing finances, to performing and sharing the Gospel on stage is put through the filter of our mission statement and values.

Give electronically through CCC's secure server



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