Sunday, July 23, 2006

July, 2006

God Provides a New Building!

Tom’s first day back was spent at our new building assembling cubicles and doing electrical work. While that may not sound very exciting to you, it’s VERY exciting to us. God provided a building that is FIVE times the size we have now! And our landlord is going to build us a brand new rehearsal complex, too! In our current building there isn’t room for one more desk. We’ve converted closets, a kitchenette, and hallway into office space. There are six new Keynote staff members in training with Campus Crusade for Christ right now; about 20 more people are done with training and are raising support, and a bunch of interns will join us in the fall. Without this new building, where would we put them?? As we look ahead to the future of Keynote, we see God preparing us for huge ministry opportunities—this building will be used by God to send bands out all over the US and the world proclaiming God’s love to the lost. So putting cubicles together directly affects the Kingdom!

Summer Project ‘06

Summer project bands just began their tours this week. They will be traveling all over the US spreading God’s love and Good News in over 50 outreach events. Please pray for the students in MangoFish, Young Isaac, Proof of Purchase, Swerve, Infinit Impact, and the dinner theater (see middle, right). We’ll share the results of their tours next month.

Chief Cook and.... Set Painter!

Cathy’s first day back in the office was a long one—9 AM to 10:30 PM—helping with a new Keynote “band”. One of our summer groups is doing a drama in cooperation with another Campus Crusade ministry—Here’s Life Inner City, which ministers to the poor and “hopeless” in our cities. We are partnering with them by producing a moving, yet funny, drama about a disillusioned HLIC staff worker in a dinner theater format. The goal is to raise awareness for inner city ministry and provide an opportunity for suburban folks to help out financially... directly impacting lives with the hope of the Good News of Jesus Christ! Cathy helped paint the set last week, and helped cook and serve the meal for the premiere on Thursday.

Keynote painters and cooks, Renae and Cathy posing on the set after serving a five-course meal. They and another friend did all the set painting. Fun ministry!!

During a moment of inspiration, Cathy knew the outside of the apartment door needed graffiti.... but what to write?? Her name of course!! Hmmm. Maybe she was a ghetto girl from the ‘hood??

Lebanon Update

Remember the 2,658 new believers in Lebanon from Keynote concerts? We don’t have any information as to how they are doing, especially in light of the recent events in the Middle East. We do have confirmation from the Lebanese national director that all Campus Crusade staff members are OK. His request for prayer follows. Please include the new believers in your prayers during this scary time.

    Greetings Friends,
    I come with letter to ask you to pray for Lebanon at this time.
    The security situation is deteriorating rapidly and the Israeli attacks are expanding and reaching every area of Lebanon. At this time no one can leave or enter the country because of the air, sea and land blockade. Food Supplies, medicines and petrol are still available but will not last if the blockade stays long. Roads & bridges connecting the Lebanese areas have been completely destroyed. The airport is severely damaged and as I write these words I am hearing the explosions of rockets exploding in Beirut & Jounieh seaports.
    Today I checked on all our team members and am thankful they are ok. All team members have been asked to stay at home, we are trying to relocate one family that lives very close to the Airport and the Southern suburb of Beirut where the air strikes are focusing.
    I ask you at this time to pray with us for this madness to stop very soon. Please pray for the safety and security of our team members and their families. We have two staff whose families live in villages in the South. We know one family have moved to a safe location down there but we lost contact today with the other family after an air strike hit a bridge close to their home. Please pray for all the wounded and families who lost their loved ones in this war. Please pray for wisdom and safety as we try to help the thousands who were forced to leave their homes and are seeking refuge in school buildings.
    I thank you for joining us in prayer for Lebanon. I will try to keep you posted with our latest news.
    Blessings-- Edmond, National Director Campus Crusade for Christ in Lebanon

Support Update

Great news! We only have about $100 left in new monthly support to raise!! Thanks for all your prayers! Right now we are working part time in the office, and as soon as all our support is in we’ll be back full time! Probably before the end of the month!!

You can support our ministry through Campus Crusade's online giving site. Just click the following link and follow the instructions.

You support will ensure that our work resumes in a timely manner, and that furutre interruptions will be few.

Thank you!

Give electronically through CCC's secure server

August New York Trip

We will be visiting New York between August 5th - 20th. We are figuring out our schedule right now, so let us know ASAP if you’d like to have us stay with you or get together when we’re in town!

Please pray for:
  • The situation in Lebanon and the rest of the Middle East.
  • Students touring with Keynote Summer Project bands and the people in their audiences.
  • Praise God for providing our support!!



Our mission statement

"Partnering with strategic ministries to communicate God’s love through music and the performing arts"
  • Authentic
  • Dynamic
  • Catalytic
  • Worldwide
  • Life Change

Everything we do, from organizing equipment to processing finances, to performing and sharing the Gospel on stage is put through the filter of our mission statement and values.
