Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June, 2008

Communicating God’s love through music and the performing arts.

Mi Destino: My place in this world

Everyone at Keynote began getting ready for the Summer Project this week. The air is electric around here as we anticipate the great things God will do in and through us and the students who will arrive June 17th.

As we mentioned last month, we are going to be touring with Destino, the first-ever Hispanic Keynote Summer Project band. Our concert program will challenge listeners to find their place in this world… and in God’s Kingdom.

The group is very eclectic—
  • Nellie (Puerto Rican-Amer.) - director
  • Mark and Gloria (Mex.-Amer) - directors
  • Bruce (American) - music director
  • Lucas (Native Amer.-Mex) - guitar
  • Israel (Mexican) - bass
  • Christy (American) - vocalist
  • Andrea (Argentinean) - vocalist
  • Steven (American) - horns
  • Tomas (American) - percussion
  • Cathy (American) - discipler & team mom

Please pray for each of us— that we will serve each other well, proclaiming the Gospel by our actions as well as our words.

Here's our schedule:
  • July 17th, 2008 -
    University @ Buffalo State
    Buffalo, NY
  • July 18, 2008 - Light of the World Church Outreach
    Rochester, NY
  • July 19, 2008 - Restoration Life Christian Fellowship
    Rochester, NY
  • July 25, 2008 - Chestnut Assembly of God Youth Outreach
    Vineland, NJ
  • July 30, 2008 - University of Florida
    Gainesville, FL
  • August 1, 2008 - Staff Services Family Time @ Lake Hart
    Campus Crusade for Christ Headquarters
    Orlando, FL
  • August 1, 2008 - Lake Hart
    Orlando, FL
  • August 3, 2008 - Iglesia El Calvario (Calvary Church)
    Orlando, FL

One leaves the nest for his own place

On a hot and humid Sunday afternoon, we packed up our van and Chris’ car with everything a 20-something man needs and headed for his new place an hour away in Muncie, Indiana. Chris has been working for about a year as a computer programmer for a company there through the internship program of Anderson University. Last summer he lived at home and commuted, but as you remember, gas prices were significantly lower last summer!

We’re really excited for and proud of him as he steps out on his own, and we’re fairly confident that he won’t starve. As long as there are frozen pizzas, he should do just fine!

One leaves this world for a better place

Last month we were in northern NY State for Tom’s dad’s memorial service. During the service, we were able to explain the commitment Vince made to Jesus before he passed away last December, and that because of that commitment, he’s in heaven with Jesus now. Chris read a passage of Scripture; Tom and Cathy played a song she wrote about Vince, and we all enjoyed lots of family time with relatives we don’t see often enough.

Tom’s mom is holding up well, but misses her lifelong husband terribly. She would appreciate your prayers for God’s comfort as she grieves. While out East we enjoyed catching up with many of you!

Thanks for your hospitality and for coming out to the coffeehouse we had at the great Adirondack Soup Co. What FUN!!! We wish we were closer, so our visits didn’t have to be so far apart because...

...WE LOVE YOU!!!!

Whole My Life Changed Upside Down

New believers in Lebanon after the Boyd Family Band’s 3rd tour

    I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you..”
    Ezekiiell 36::26

Often our reports of what God is doing through Keynote include numbers. Numbers representing individuals who have asked Jesus to come into their hearts. The numbers are impressive and encouraging, but the lives they represent are often anonymous souls added to the Kingdom.

But one of 1,650 new Lebanese believers stepped out of the anonymous shadows and emailed the Boyd Family Band, a Keynote performing group that was in Lebanon recently. Here’s a little background first, from Bruce Boyd.

    “Riad” is a teenage boy we met at an orphanage in Lebanon. He was just hanging out as we set up. Our host, “Al Dawa”, began a conversation with him and then asked me to come over and talk with him. Riad was really interested in the gospel and comes from a unique situation (transplanted
    from South America to Lebanon, and living with his mom, but being schooled and ‘cared for’ by the orphanage). He couldn’t believe that God would actually love him and forgive him, but once he grasped the gospel message, he was eager to receive Christ and ended up praying with me shortly before our concert started! We’ve
    been in touch with him since, but this email was the first one that really reflected the extent of his lifechange! So encouraging!!

Here is Riad’s email (including his own spelling):

    “Dear mr. bruce heyyy how r u all ? i really miss u all .. i've read all your masseges. I thank you so much for being in touch with me. well it's is so great to know such persons like u all. I’m in grade 9 … and will start to study for a whole month , preparing for the goverment exams.

    "Bruce, since Jesus enter my mind and i entered his heart whole my life changed upside down. i would really like to thank yu all for helping me. i now know the meaning of love, peace, and care. i really changed. i got that patient soul. i know the meaning of appreciating the time, the world, and my mom.

    "we'll keep in touch ok ???? talk to you later GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP
    YOU SAFE ... Riad"

The concert at Riad’s school was a Divine appointment . Because it was Lebanon’s presidential Election Day, all schools were closed for fear of rioting. Riad’s school was the only school-like facility the Boyd Family Band could get into to do a concert, and everything was arranged at the very last minute!

During their third concert tour in Lebanon, the Boyd Family Band shared the Gospel with over 5,000 students at 21 concerts in 10 days and saw 1,650 students ask Jesus to come into their hearts. One of whom was Riad whose “whole my life changed upside down.”

P.S. For more about this tour in Lebanon and the Boyd Family Band, go to: www.boydfamilyband.com.

Please pray for:
  • Us, that we will keep Jesus as our first love.
  • “Ridal” and his new faith in Jesus.
  • Continued progress in recording Cathy’s music, and for our interactions with producers and musicians.
  • Jon as he plans to get out on his own into an apartment with two other young men.
  • Chris as he has moved an hour north to Muncie where he has a good computer programming job for the summer.
  • Our 41 brothers in jail in a Muslim country because of their faith.



Our mission statement

"Partnering with strategic ministries to communicate God’s love through music and the performing arts"
  • Authentic
  • Dynamic
  • Catalytic
  • Worldwide
  • Life Change

Everything we do, from organizing equipment to processing finances, to performing and sharing the Gospel on stage is put through the filter of our mission statement and values.

Give electronically through CCC's secure server
